Electrical News

Light up Your Whole House With Accent Lighting Perhaps you've passed a house with incredible accent lighting outside before. You were likely stunned by how impressive the light made the house look. When done right, accent lighting can completely transform the exterior and interior of your...

 Why You Should Use A Surge Protector It's no secret; society has become extremely dependent on technology. There seems to be a new gadget coming out every single day. However, with all of these advances comes a great deal of responsibility-- mainly as it concerns protecting...

Energy Saving Tips for Summer Summertime is memorable for many things — family vacations, cookouts, fireworks--and sometimes, some massive electric bills. Keeping the home relaxed, comfortable, and well-lit during all those summer festivities can give the power bill a workout. So along with searching for great...

Common Outdoor Outlet Questions Using an outlet outdoor is almost as important as using outlets inside. If you want to mow the lawn, you need electricity to power the lawn mower. An electrical outlet is very convenient to avoid the usage of a lot of extension...

10 Ways to Fix a Noisy Ceiling Fan  A great way to cool off a room is by turning on a ceiling fan. Homeowners save countless dollars by using wind chill instead of air conditioning on hot days. However, a noisy ceiling fan is an incredible...